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Residential property buyers’ rights
If you have purchased a property in Cyprus and the title deed has not been transferred to your name beyond a reasonable time then that ...
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Division of Matrimonial Property under Cyprus Law
According to Cyprus law the property that a couple obtained during the marriage or before the marriage but in contemplation...
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UK Business Post Brexit and Cyprus
Britain has left the EU yet ties with Cyprus remain strong. Cyprus continues to be a viable and attractive option if your business...
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Trademarks Update
The EU approves grants to Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SME’s) for registering their trademarks and industrial designs.
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Probate and Administration of Estates in Cyprus
The death of a spouse, family member or friend is emotionally and physically trying.
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Wills and Succession in Cyprus
Asset ownership abroad means it is important to consider the future and estate planning...
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Вопросы и ответы: Закон «Airbnb» – что меняется?
Q&A: The «Airbnb» law – what is changing? On February the 7th 2020 the Regulation…
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Кипрская холдинговая компания
Кипр, как полноправный член ЕС, предлагает одну из самых низких ставок корпоративного налога...
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Постоянный вид на жительство на Кипре по ускоренному процессу
Cyprus Fast-Track Permanent Residency Cyprus is a modern, cosmopolitan and thriving EU...
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Управляющий комитет
Preserving the value of your asset Frequently, we are called upon to advise clients on…
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Закон о контроле аренды на Кипре
Cyprus Rent Control Act of 1983 amended to fast-track eviction The Republic of Cyprus has…
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