About us lawyers
Reliable, knowledgeable, and on your side.
When you look for a law firm, expertise and experience are not enough.
How we work matters a lot.
Real estate legal advice

Недвижимость юридическая консультация

Мы предоставляем независимую юридическую экспертизу от изучения правового состояния объекта недвижимости до подготовки договоров и оформления
передачи титулов о владении недвижимой собственностью, тем самым гарантируя защиту прав наших клиентов.
Probate and Administration of Estates in Cyprus
Probate and Administration of Estates in Cyprus
Our experienced Cyprus probate lawyers will speak to you plainly to guide you and
provide advice in dealing with the difficulty of dealing with the estate of a loved one.
UK Business Post Brexit And Cyprus
The UK has left the EU single market as of 31st December 2020 leaving businesses
and individuals having to deal with the impact of the new reality.
Кипрский корпоративный налог
With a broad range of double taxation treaties, one of the lowest corporation tax rates in the E.U,
a strategic geographic location, and a reliable and stable legal system, Cyprus is increasing
becoming an attractive place to live, work and establish or run a business.

Чистая и точная юридическая консультация

Недвижимость юридическая консультация

Кто мы

Мы – растущая команда опытных, преданных делу юристов. Наш головной офис находится в Никосии но мы предоставляем услуги по всему Кипру.

Недвижимость юридическая консультация

Что мы делаем

We are committed to providing accurate, cost effective legal advice. Find out about our areas of practice and our services. 


Наша команда

Наши юристы – наша сила, целью которых является предоставление четкой, практичной и полезной консультации для вашего отдельного случая.


Отправить Сообщение

We are accessible around the clock. Contact us for an initial consultation at no cost.

Внимание на...


We advise on all aspects of real estate law.  We aim to provide precise, accurate and up-to-date legal advice in both the commercial and residential real estate markets.


Кипр является привлекательным центром для ведения бизнеса на международном уровне. Кипр имеет самую низкую ставку корпоративного налога в Европе – 12,5%. Широкая сеть налоговых соглашений Кипра поощряет трансграничные инвестиции, посредством избежания международного двойного налогообложения.

Trusts, Wills, Estate & Probate

Our experienced Cyprus probate lawyers will speak to you plainly to guide you and provide advice in dealing with a range of matters from drafting a Will to advising on how to  commence and conclude probate, in a cost effective manner.

Корпоративные Услуги

In today’s international business environment we advise on all matters of Cyprus corporate law with the aim of helping you develop and promote your business. We facilitate transactions from beginning to end particularly those overseas companies and businesses opening offices, branches or acquiring businesses in Cyprus.

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

We litigate on a wide range of civil and commercial disputes acting for corporate and individual clients. Our litigation lawyers are hand-picked on the basis of their intellectual ability, determination, stamina and ability to think and communicate clearly under pressure.

Business Immigration

In recent years Cyprus has witnessed an exponential interest in businesses seeking to relocate, headquarter or establish a branch in Cyprus. Work place immigration is essential for those wanting staff to relocate and work in Cyprus.

Постоянный вид на жительство на
Кипре по ускоренному процессу
Инвестируя в жилую недвижимость на Кипре
вы можете получить постоянный вид на жительство за несколько простых шагов
Residential property buyers’ rights
If you have purchased a property in Cyprus and the title deed has not been transferred to your name beyond a reasonable time then that ...
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Brexit and Residency of UK Nationals in Cyprus
Current Conditions and Requirements
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Division of Matrimonial Property under Cyprus Law
According to Cyprus law the property that a couple obtained during the marriage or before the marriage but in contemplation...
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UK Business Post Brexit and Cyprus
Britain has left the EU yet ties with Cyprus remain strong. Cyprus continues to be a viable and attractive option if your business...
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Light Bulb lamp saving energy ecology concept. Polygonal light blue tree inside electricity green energy power banner vector illustration
Trademarks Update
The EU approves grants to Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SME’s) for registering their trademarks and industrial designs.
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Probate and Administration of Estates in Cyprus
Probate and Administration of Estates in Cyprus
The death of a spouse, family member or friend is emotionally and physically trying.
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